Mean Mother 5 Piece Recovery Kit 11000 kg Snatch Strap


Sure to prove a big hit, the Mean Mother 5 Piece Recovery Kit 11000 kg Snatch Strap from the great Mean Mother is a smart option this season. Grab yours today or check out the full range for more exciting options. Having a fully stocked and properly maintained recovery kit is an essential accessory for any 4WD enthusiast. It is very important to have quick and easy accessibility to all your recovery equipment. Each Mean Mother recovery kit has been carefully tailored to include the correct equipment for most recovery situations. Ideally suited to the 4WD adventurist who may or may not have an winch fitted to their vehicle. The 5 piece kit requires the assistance of another vehicle to complete a snatching recovery.

Model / Product CodeMMKIT05
Contents1 x 11000kg snatch strap
2 x 5 tonne bow shackles
1 x Pair of leather recovery gloves
1 x Heavy duty storage bag
Primary Activity(s)4WD & Offroad